Coming Events

Watch this space!

A number of events are currently at different stages of conception and planning. For full information on them and/or to be a part of the planning, watch this space for updates or just contact us.

The event below is the next on our agenda.


Africa Day-2025

25 May 2025

On 25 May 1963, African nations came together and formed the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which later became the African Union (AU). For over 60 years, the day has been celebrated annually in Africa and across the world on 25th May.
In May this year, we proudly celebrated the Day on this island.

We are planning a series of befitting events engaging both the young and the old to mark the Day in May 2025.

Express your interest!

Would you like to be part of the planning and organisatind of any of the various events to mark the Day? Do you have suggestions, proposals etc? It’s not too early to air them. We would like to hear from you as we have already started reflecting on what and how this Day will be celebrated here.


African Descendants Day

Celebrating the United Nations Day – August 2024 

Africa Day

Celebrating the Motherland – May 2024 

Tribute to Bob Marley

Tribute Day – March 2024