Africa Welcomes You!

Like to rediscover your root?

Let this platform help you along the way, providing the information, inspiration and motivation you need for the adventure. Get inspired! Explore! Engage! Meet others on that same adventure. Yes, others who are proud of who they are and where they come from! Appreciate the beauty and ingenuity of that very unique continent: Africa - the Motherland.

About AfriKòrsou

This platform serves as a central portal to support you in reconnecting with the Motherland.

Africa - Facts & Figures

How much do you really know about the African Continent? About its people, their cultures, beliefs and other key elements that make the Motherland so unique?

Proudly African in Kòrsou

African pride is alive and kicking in Kòrsou. We proudly celebrate our heritage at every opportunity that comes up with various events. Want to know more?

Misconceptions of Africa

A lot of false information about Africa are flying around. Very little have been taught at school while many negative stereotypes have been passed on. How many of these did you believe?